Nishan Ganimian (she/ they)
Nishan Ganimian is an interdisciplinary artist who explores storytelling through clowning, puppetry and object making. They received their BFA from Pratt Institute studying Interior Design and Performance Studies where they began working in theater. After graduation Nishan had the opportunity to participate in a paper theater and dramaturgy workshop with the puppet masters of the Union Internationale de la Marionette in Charleville-Mézières, France. They have continued to work with director and designer Theodora Skipitares as a scenic artist and puppeteer on her productions of There’s Blood at the Wedding (2018) and The Transfiguration of Benjamin Banneker (2020) at La Mama Theatre in Manhattan, New York. Ganimian currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada where they received their MFA in Art at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. During their studies they also served as an Instructor of Record of Art 211: Beginning Ceramics and Art 108: Design Fundamentals- 3D as a graduate teaching assistant. Recent projects include their solo exhibition Raggedy Stan’s Closet and the curatorial project Raggedy Stan’s Playpen, both of these exhibitions can be seen as precursors to their MFA Thesis exhibition Love Is a Place.
Artist Nishan Ganimian photographed at the closing reception of their MFA Thesis exhibition Love Is a Place in the Donna Beam Gallery.